Necklace made of glass in western Ukraine

The most picturesque among women's breast jewelry was a necklace made of "Venetian" glass, which was called "painted patsyorky". This necklace consisted of round beads of smalt or glass of different colors with ornaments in inlay technique. The beads were made in Venice and specially delivered to the Eastern Carpathians. The ornamentation of the beads consisted of dots, concentric rings, straight and wavy lines, curls with gilding in the form of a strip encircling the bead or individual dots.

The colors of the ornament are always contrasting to the background - white, pink, blue. The necklace included from one to several beads.  Beads of the same color or several different ones alternated in the necklace strings.

"Painted patsyorky" were widespread in Hutsul, Pokuttia and Bukovyna. In Hutsul region Venetian glass was used to create zgardas - it was strung in rows together with round or cross-shaped pendants.  

Zoriana Kuryliak

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